first of all, my English is not the best, so please forgive any mistakes I might write in the wrong way.
Let me introduce myself: My name is Thierry and I am a long-term team-member from the french version of World-of-Dungeons.
During the past few months all the different
WoD administrators talked and made a lot of conferences to find a global solution to avoid World-of-Dungeons is dying.
We are still discussing some ideas... but it looks very good right now.
Before we can announce the final decision, we need to talk to
Bruder Tack to get his agreement getting things started soon.
The french community is in the leader position, so that is the reason I initate this topic.
I hope your german Administrators will do a translation as soon as possible?!
Thats all so far, so we keep letting you know any further information.
Greetings from the french